Creating a Label widget using Python and Kivy - Part 1
I assume you've read my previous post, " Is Python a language for creating GUIs ?" If so, I invite you to create a label using Python and Kivy. In my previous post, I demonstrated how to install Kivy in the PyCharm IDE , and we shall start from there. However, it is not necessary to use PyCharm to create a label; it can also be done using the command line if you have Kivy and Python installed on your computer. PyCharm is particularly useful if you plan to create multiple projects and more involved programs. Why a Label? GUIs comprise many kinds of widgets, and perhaps the label is one of the most common and obvious elements. Labels can be seen individually or as part of larger widgets with smaller sub-widgets, such as in a form or an authentication GUI. In its most basic form, a label is a small object that usually carries a piece of text, such as 'Welcome' or 'Hello World.' It may even carry a small image. How do you create a label using...