AT & T Tilt

I recently got fed up with the Verizon's dropped calls and signed up with AT & T for a 2 year trial [Exchanged the 'hear me now' to 'more bars in more places']. Now I have a AT & T Tilt. This is based on Windows Mobile 6.1. I am planning to look it over.

The CD that came with the box was pretty useless. It asks again and again for Adobe 8.0 (even after removing all versions of Adobe and reinstalling 8.0). That was some what tiring. The time out for display appears so fast I keep tilting it often.

The autosync is not too dissimilar to the little program that Windows 95 had for syncronizing the files on floppy. You just connect the AT & T Tilt to your USB drive and you are ready to go.

Here is one of my recent articles on Pocket PC using the emulator on VS 2K5


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