Intel IoT and IoT Gateways
Intel XDK is changing its emphasis focusing more on IoT . Going forward many may want to experiment with Intel XDK for IoT. Here is a brief summary of one of the key elements in doing IoT, the IoT Gateway. IoT Gateways connect IoT Devices or 'Things' to some kind of computing platform or to the cloud to provide intelligence for the IoT Solution. Although it is possible to directly connect the device to cloud if some form of intelligence to be derived before going to the cloud, a Gateway is a better solution. If devices are TCP/IP enabled as in modern devices connecting them to the cloud is easy but there are legacy devices which are not TCP/IP enabled and therefore they need an intermediary device to connect to the cloud. These are some of the reasons that requires an intermediary Gateway: Support for legacy devices Run edge analytics- Reduces communication bottleneck by pre-processing (batching, filtering, compressing etc) Minimize Latency- processing near edg...