Intel IoT and IoT Gateways

Intel XDK is changing its emphasis focusing more on IoT. Going forward many may want to experiment with Intel XDK for IoT. Here is a brief summary of one of the key elements in doing IoT, the IoT Gateway.

IoT Gateways connect IoT Devices or 'Things' to some kind of computing platform or to the cloud to provide intelligence for the IoT Solution. Although it is possible to directly connect the device to cloud if some form of intelligence to be derived before going to the cloud, a Gateway is a better solution.

If devices are TCP/IP enabled as in modern devices connecting them to the cloud is easy but there are legacy devices which are not TCP/IP enabled and therefore they need an intermediary device to connect to the cloud.

These are some of the reasons that requires an intermediary Gateway:

  • Support for legacy devices 
  • Run edge analytics- Reduces communication bottleneck by pre-processing (batching, filtering, compressing etc) 
  • Minimize Latency- processing near edge faster than in the cloud 
  • Conserve network bandwidth- 
  • Reliability of operation- 
  • Address security- Gateways can provide an extra level of security
Microsoft Azure IoT Gateway:
In the case of Microsoft technology, Microsoft Azure IoT Gateway helps developing a solution for on-premises computation augmenting the functionality provided by Microsoft Azure cloud services. Microsoft Azure IoT Gateway can be used to create a gateway solution.

More here:

Intel Corporation:
Intel IoT Gateway connects legacy and New systems for seamless and secure data flow using pre-integrated, pre-validated Hardware and Software Blocks

Of course both Legacy and New systems are supported. Perhaps there are more legacy devices than the new ones.

Intel IoT Gateway is built on McAfee and Wind River using their security and operating system technologies. Read further down regarding Wind River and Wind River Products.


A variety of programming languages can be used:

Dell's Edge Gateway 5000 also provides Gateway solutions for transporting information from edge devices to the end point computing cloud.

Here are some specs for the Dell's Edge Gateway 5000

Intel® Atom™ E3825 1.33GHz | 2 cores
Memory: 2G (4x256Mx16 DDR3L)

Intel® Atom™ E3827 1.75GHz | 2 cores
4G (8x 256Mx16 DDR3L)

WindRiver: Helix Device Cloud for Linux
Ubuntu Snappy( and Windows IoT Industry

There are some useful video's on Dell's Gateway (you may find others on the Internet) that explains in simple terms what their gateway provides

Wind River
Wind River is an Intel company and call their Gateway as Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT
They use Intel SoC and other Intel products.

Intel Products: Intel Baytrail, Intel Quark and Intel Core and propriety software(Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT 3, Wind River Workbench, McAfee Embedded Control 6.6)

The trend is more towards Open Source than proprietary, a movement most suited for IoT development. Looks like Intel will make a lot of money with IoT.


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