ActiveSync 4.5 and file transfer problems with AT & T Tilt

This is the second time I had to completly remove ActiveSync 4.5 and reinstall it. Repair does not work. I have checked the connectivity as much as I can, it is not a connection problem. It is something to
do with the program associated with file transfers.
Connection details that you may see on your My Network Connections on your computer

Here is the display of the PING results. I pinged both the default gateway as well as the device according to the above.

Well, ActiveSync is not all that 'Active' is it?

Look forward to my next article on PACKT  with the tentative title,
"Deploying SQL Anywhere 11 to the Mobile Platform"

The previous article on PACKT was at:
A Simple Pocket PC Application using Visual Studio 2005 


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