User Interface templates in Intel XDK

Using templates is the easiest to start off designing apps with Intel XDK. Intel XDK provides a number of layouts and templates for designing apps.


If you have been using apps you must have come across apps that use many of these types of apps. For example an earlier post here discusses the List View Template in detail and this link describes the Tab View in detail().

We will explore the other templates in future posts.  The Ionic Framework Starter template uses the Ionic Frame work and AngularJS and you can design apps for desktop, smartphones and tablets using Standard HTML5. Ionic Framework is supposed to provide native-app like feeling for UI and is based on HTML5 and essentially a front end beautifier. However Ionic requires AngularJS which is required for UI interaction; gestures; animations etc.

In a future post  we will describe creating an app with Ionic Framework.
Read more here for Ionic Framework:

AngularJS is HTML enhanced for Web Apps which you can download from Google site here (
You can target the build for Firefox if you so desire. Review here.


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