Jumpstart Javascript to program IoT controllers using Johnny-Five

HTML/JavaScript option to work with IoT will have a large following. Johnny-Five a JavaScript Robotics platform (by the Bocoup group released in 2012) will be very popular with IoT developers.

If you use the Johnny-Five Inventor's kit (J5IK, $125.95) you can program a lot and learn a lot.
The J5IK empowers users to build internet-connected, JavaScript-powered hardware projects by marrying the ubiquitous language with the Tessel 2 single-board computer and several components to get users started immediately.

Tessel 2 Features (from Tessel site):

This kit (from Johnny-Five site):
  • Provides a powerful foundation for IoT projects
  • Includes everything needed to complete 14 circuits
  • Does not require previous programming experience or soldering
  • Connects users with a thriving community and exemplary documentation.
  • Supports beginner and more advanced projects 
Although the applications are limitless, the kit allows users to control and read external sensors and displays, control motors, and use and learn JavaScript.


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