Get Thimble to design your web pages now!
It is from It is free and has many cool features. It's Remix mode allows you easily modify existing Thimble projects to suit your requirements.
Thimble is a one-stop program bundling code editor, web server, web browser and developer tools.
It has an unbelievable number of cool features. Sure, I will test drive it!
You start here.
Here is a video that explains it all:
Thimble is a one-stop program bundling code editor, web server, web browser and developer tools.
It has an unbelievable number of cool features. Sure, I will test drive it!
- Make a change and see your changes in real time
- Has handy code snippets
- Has a built-in JavaScript console
- Add your files (drag and drop) and manage them
- Has both dark and light themes
- Embedded tutorials-follow or create OK
- Get code hints
- Edit CSS right in the HTML file
- Publish to Web
- Pick colors in the editor
- Test project on your mobile device
- Has a DOM inspector to work with HTML elements
- Has Image filters
- Take selfies
You start here.
Here is a video that explains it all: