UWP: Navigation using SplitView
SplitView has two panes and in one of them you place items that allow you to navigate to the details of that item and its contents. You can basically use some event handlers to the items and when the event occurs, you display the content for the item. Here is the scheme for navigation: SplViewNav_0 You have three objects in the SplitView pane (Rose, Jasmine, Lily). You attach events to these objects and when the event is fired, you display the related content in the area on the right, the Content. Before you read this post, please make sure you read the two following posts: Displaying image in the Assets folder: http://hodentekhelp.blogspot.com/2018/03/how-do-i-display-using-code-image-from.html Navigation with SplitView: http://hodentekhelp.blogspot.com/2018/03/how-do-you-use-splitview-xaml-control.html Description of App in xaml designer Start with a UWP Blank project and provide a name. In this it was named JSplitView . The code for MainPa...