Using XAML's SplitView

You can get a basic start with the SplitView Control here. There is no TabView in XAML.

You could replace the default 'grid' in a Blank UWP project shown here:


Use the following in its place:

SplitView sample.png

This is ready for build. Build and run the app in the Local Computer.
This is what you see when the app is run.

There is a Pane, the SplitView. Pane and there is a TextBlock named 'Content' in the Grid.

Now I change the OpenPanelLenth (presently 296) to, say 150 and build and run the app. What do I see?

SplitView 2

Basically you can now see more content.

In the 'Pane' you can place controls and hook up events to them to display related 'Content' in the Content (i.e., inside the 'grid' control). I will show an example in my next post.


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