UWP: Storing and retrieving composite application data

You can store and retrieve composite application data in a UWP project using the Windows Storage. Specifically you will be using the Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataCompositeValue sealed class shown in the Object Browser.


In this post a project is described where in a pair of values are stored in the Windows Storage's local folder and retrieved. The values are stored using a button click event of a button and retrieved into text boxes in the click event of a second button.
The MainPage.xaml for the project is as shown.


The code for storing and retrieving is shown in the MainPageXAMLCs. You first define the local settingss using the Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer and the local folder. The composite values are set to the local settings.

The retrieving is by extracting the values in the local settings and reading it into a text box.
The result of running the application is shown here.

The code can be simplified as suggested by the hint shown here:



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