Handling AppManifest Validation error

This error may show up if one chooses an image file that does not comply with the enumeration.

Here is the description of the error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error  Validation error. error C00CE169: App manifest validation error: The app manifest must be valid as per schema: Line 26, Column 25, Reason: '' violates enumeration constraint of 'badge badgeAndTileText'. The attribute 'Notification' with value '' failed to parse. XXXXXX C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\xxxxxx\bin\ARM\Debug\AppxManifest.xml  

I chose a resource for Badge in the Assets and Visual Studio spawned this error.

The only way to get out of this was to comment out (or better remove) the following line in the AppManifest .xml

Make sure you save the file after the removal as every time you Build, the AppManifest.xml gets recreated.


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