Think before you update to Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview on Nokia Lumia Icon

Fore warned is fore armed.

If your Nokia Lumia Icon has lost its touch-sensitivity, read on...

I have been using Nokia Lumia Icon for the past few weeks. It has perhaps one of the best camera systems. Recently couple of days ago, I installed Windows Phone 8.1 Preview despite the warnings.

Actually I was trying to get on to Cortina, which of course I did.

However, last night I had left the phone for charging and in the morning when I wanted to read news, I switched on. OMG! the splash screen came up and would not move. I asked my wife to call me; the call reached my phone but I could not swipe up and go the start screen.

Then I tried the camera, it worked and I took pictures, but I could not zoom with one finger (not even with two fingers!). I tried to bring up the browser and I could not.

I judged that the phone has lost its 'touch sensitivity'. I tried to put it in 'vibrate' only mode by bringing down the volume and it would not.

Then with zero volume setting I hit the on button several times. Finally, it started working when it was hard turned off and started up with NOKIA followed by Windows Phone welcome message.

I am sure some of my readers might have gotten into this situation and I would like to hear from you. Kindly leave a comment.


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