Getting the Dream Factory backend -Part 2 Contd

This post is continued from here:

If you have seen this screen than you have created an instance of the DSP and you are the Administrator of this instance. Now you have to get the API-Key which when called from your side orchestrates the application.

There are some restrictions regarding the name of Application ID you choose. I chose something I could remember. You also need to choose which kind of application you are going to create. There are two options. I chose the one that uses browser based using HTML/CSS. May be next time around I will play with native apps.

Click Continue. You are taken to the Home page of the instance as shown.

The next choice to make is the location where you want to develop you application, the choices are locally on your computer or on another platform such as Azure, Amazon etc. Even if you have a subscription, my suggestion is to develop locally and when yo check it out completely you can take it to another platform.
Now you can download the SDK needed to develop the application.

Just save the download and use it in the application.  You can the files and folders for 'myfirstapp'


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