Things to pick up at VSLive! 2015 in Brooklyn, NY

Everybody has a phone and a majority have smart phones of one kind or another. There are all kinds of apps and quite a lot of them you can use to do business. The basic app kinds are either native client apps or mobile web sites. Some of them use  cloud-based data and services while others may not.

This session is about mobile client options; about native and web-based; about HTML5/CSS and proprietary software but mos tof all its about mobile clients.

The Mobile Client track ( at the event includes the following:
  • Using Xamarin tools to leverage your C# code on iOS and Android
  • Azure Mobile Services
  • Building Cross-Platform Games with MonoGame
  • Swift for .NET Developers
M02  Workshop: Native Mobile App Development for iOS, Android and Windows Using C#
Monday   September   28    9:00am - 6:00pm

•How to build your first mobile apps on the different platforms with the Xamarin toolset
•About the different platforms, what makes them unique and how you can build a cross platform app
•How to maintain platform uniqueness while sharing a large chunk of your codebase

T04  From ASP.NET Site to Mobile App in About an Hour
Tuesday   September   29    9:15am - 10:30am

•How to leverage your web assets for mobile apps
•How to support offline scenarios
•How to integrate with device capabilities (e.g. camera, address book)
•How to send a simple push notification
•How to avoid common performance pitfalls

T09  Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with C# and Xamarin
Tuesday   September   29    1:30pm - 2:45pm

You'll learn how to get started with a sample cross-platform solution, which tools you can use, how to design a proper user interface for each platform and how to structure your projects for maximum code reuse. Native mobile development doesn't have to be so hard. Come learn how your .NET skills can be transformed for true cross-platform development.

T13  Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps in C# with Azure Mobile Services
Tuesday   September   29     3:00pm - 4:15pm

You'll learn how to authenticate users via Microsoft, Google, Facebook or Twitter credentials, store data remotely in SQL databases, table storage, blob storage, and more, all through live cross-platform demos. Whether you're a weekend warrior building consumer apps or a corporate mobile developer building apps for the enterprise, the cloud is the perfect companion for your mobile apps. Come learn how easy it is to harness its power.

W05  W05 Swift for .NET Developers
Wednesday   September   30    10:45am - 12:00pm

•All about the new Swift language
•How to use Swift to build iOS8 applications
•How Swift works inside of Xcode

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